• Avancerade material
  • Avfall och återvinning
  • Byggnader och infrastruktur
  • Elnät och energilagring
  • Energieffektivisering
  • Fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla
  • Förnybar energi
  • Resurser och miljö
  • Transporter
  • Vatten och avlopp
  • Norden

Food Planet Prize

Nominate here, it takes three minutes and could change the world. The nominations process is open all year around and Curt Bergfors Foundation welcome any initiative making the world a better place through the food system.

We are the world’s biggest environmental award, on a mission to fast-track the imperative shift towards sustainable food systems. Why? Because no other human activity puts more strain on our planet than the way we eat, and we can’t choose to stop eating.

Our nominations process is open all year around. You can nominate something amazing that you are working on yourself or let us know of someone else who you think is doing incredible things. The prize can be awarded to individuals or organisations in both commercial and non-commercial settings.

Read more and nominate at foodplanetprize.org External link.

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