• Avancerade material
  • Avfall och återvinning
  • Byggnader och infrastruktur
  • Elnät och energilagring
  • Energieffektivisering
  • Fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla
  • Förnybar energi
  • Resurser och miljö
  • Transporter
  • Vatten och avlopp
  • Sydamerika

Rapport: Latam Cleantech 25 – Sustainable Innovation Making an Impact in Latin America

The LATAM Cleantech 25 is an annual list highlighting private companies in sustainable innovation that have captured the attention of industry experts.

These 25 companies are identified for their potential to significantly impact the Latin American region and beyond within the next five to ten years. The report provides an in-depth analysis of each company and offers valuable market insights from Cleantech Group analysts.

Read more and download the report at cleantech.com External link.

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